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All work herein is Copyright by C. Walton 2000-2017.

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Chiara is my long-suffering teena… erm, apprentice, long used to her mother running off to the craft store, for One More Thing. Eventually, she became curious about what the heck I was doing with all of those feathers and sequins.

As she grew older and found her own joy in art, she started drawing and crafting her own work to use as gifts and commissions. Eventually, she started wanting to help me with my work.

Chiara is working on finding her own style of artwork and mask making. She’s learning how to build masks so they are both light and strong and so the wearer isn’t confronted with the evidence of how the piece is made. She’s well used to hearing, “Nope, look, if you do it like this…” and soon I won’t have a darned thing to teach her. Chiara is, in fact, teaching me a lot of new techniques made possible in the last few years, such as 3D printing and laser cutting!

Scroll through Chiara’s designs. Feel free to contact us to commission her for work on anything you see.